University of Utah


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Term Definition
Accessible Content is designed so that it can be accessed by anyone regardless of ability.
Box A visual style to set apart a section of the content. May also be called quote box, call-out box, content box, and color box.
Color Hex Code A color hex code is a hexadecimal way to represent a color in RGB format by combining three values – the amounts of red, green and blue in a particular shade of color. These color hex codes have been an integral part of HTML for web design, and remain a key way of representing color formats digitally.
CSS CSS stands for cascading style sheets and refers to the code that defines how different page elements display visually. This code is usually applied in the background so that page elements have a consistent look. For example, the size and font for an h2 heading level can be defined by CSS. The code in this resource is called "inline CSS" because it is added to each page with the HTML code. Ideally, we would not be doing this, but Canvas does not provide very many built-in options.
Float CSS property related to the position of a page element, such as a box or image. For example, if you use float-right on an image, it will be positioned on the right side of the page.
Header Table headings created with <th> tags
Heading Page headings created with <h> tags
Horizontal rule The <hr> tag defines a thematic break in an HTML page (e.g. a shift of topic). This element is most often displayed as a horizontal line that spans the width of the webpage.  It is used to separate content (or define a change) in an HTML page.
HTML HTML stands for hypertext markup language and refers to the tags that define types of content such as headings, paragraph text, images etc.
iFrame The HTML code used to embed an element so that it appears as part of your page even though it is still on the source page. A common example is embedding a YouTube video. The video is still on the YouTube platform but appears to be on your page as well.
Inline styles Applying a style to a single element as opposed to applying a style in a style sheet.

The space around an element - between the element and other elements.

Padding The space between the content and its border.
Responsive A web page or element that can adapt and change depending on screen size, orientation, etc. (These styles are designed to create responsive content that will good on any device.)
Tag An HTML code that defines every structure on an HTML page, including the placement of text and images and hypertext links. HTML tags begin with the less-than (<) character and end with greater-than (>). These symbols are also called "angle brackets." 
Whitespace The space between elements on a page.


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