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How to Create and Embed Videos using Kaltura Capture in Gen3 Online Course Template
Updated onArticleKaltura Capture is a powerful tool for creating lecture videos, screen recordings, and other educational content. Once recorded, these videos can be easily embedded into your Canvas course pages. You'll need to have the Kaltura Capture application downloaded on your computer to record and upload videos into Canvas. For more information about Kaltura Capture and a detailed how-to guide, visit Digital Learning's Kaltura Help Article.
Gen3 Course Template Introduction Course Content
How to Create Hyperlinks and Use the Course Link Feature in Gen3 Online Course Template
Updated onArticleHyperlinks are essential for seamless navigation in your online course. Not only do they help in directing students to internal or external resources, but they also make the course look clean and well-organized. Ensure all of your hyperlinks are self-descriptive, which makes them accessible to screen readers and easier for students to understand where the link is directing them. Do not name hyperlinks as "Here", "Submit", "This website" or other similar phrases.
Gen3 Course Template Introduction Course Content
How to Customize the Course Services Pages in Gen3 Online Course Template
Updated onArticleCourse Services pages are the static pages that provide essential information, primarily those outside of the course modules and instructional course content. These include the Home page, Contact Me page, the Syllabus, Tech Help page, Course Resources page, and others. Customizing these pages is crucial for providing course-specific resources and setting expectations for the course as your own.
Gen3 Course Template Introduction Pedagogy & Course Development
How to Customize the Module Area in Gen3 Online Course Template
Updated onArticleThe module area in Canvas is the backbone of your course, organizing various educational materials and activities into cohesive units. Customizing it allows you to tailor the course flow and the types of resources and activities students will engage with each week.
Gen3 Course Template Introduction Pedagogy & Course Development
How to Customize Course Banner in Gen3 Online Course Template
Updated onArticleIncluded on many course services pages, as well as module overview pages, a course banner of President's Circle on the U's campus is used to provide visual cues of importance to students. You may change this at any time to reflect the course or modules being taught - you may also remove the image if you find it distracting.
Gen3 Course Template Introduction Course Content
Set-Up Checklist for Gen3 Online Course Template
Updated onChecklistSetting up your course involves multiple steps, each equally important to ensure a great online experience for both you and your students. Your department or college may also have additional requirements for online courses outside of the requirements that were adhered to during the development of this template - for more information, please speak to your program coordinator or department director. To utilize this template course to its full potential, you should customize all areas as you see fit, however, you may follow the checklist below to complete the general tasks that need to be accomplished before your course goes live:
Gen3 Course Template Introduction Overview
Improving Accessibility in PowerPoints for Effective Learning Experience Design
Updated onArticlePowerPoints are a common tool used in online course design for presenting information to students. However, to ensure that all students have equal access to course content, instructors must make sure that their PowerPoints are accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities. In this UCL Knowledge Base article, we will provide you with some tips and best practices for improving the accessibility of your PowerPoints. Making PowerPoints accessible is a crucial step in creating an inclusive learning environment. By providing accessible course materials, instructors can help ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn and succeed in their courses.
Learning Experience Design Accessibility Documents
Alternative Text for Images in Higher Education Online Courses with Canvas and Anthology Ally
Updated onArticleAlternative text, often referred to as "alt text," is a crucial component of online course design that ensures images and other non-text contents are accessible to all users, including those who rely on assistive technologies such as screen readers. This article will specifically focus on creating alt text for higher education online college courses within the Canvas learning environment, utilizing Anthology's Ally accessibility platform. We will provide a comprehensive understanding of the alternative text, its importance in creating inclusive online learning experiences, and best practices for implementing alt text in your Canvas course materials with the support of Ally.
Learning Experience Design Accessibility Images
Improving Accessibility of PDF Documents for Effective Learning Experience Design
Updated onArticlePDF files are often regarded as the most accessible file type due to their wide compatibility and accessible features. Inclusive and accessible online course design is essential to providing an equitable learning experience for all students. As instructional designers and instructors, it is our responsibility to ensure that all course materials, including PDF files, are accessible to students with disabilities. Improving the accessibility of PDF files will enable students who use assistive technologies to access course materials and participate fully in the course. This article will provide guidance on converting PDF files into an accessible format, checking for accessibility, tagging text and images, and using Ally to improve accessibility scores; as well as step-by-step instructions for improving the accessibility of PDF files in Adobe Acrobat.
Learning Experience Design Accessibility Documents
How do I improve the accessibility of a PDF document?
Updated onArticleIf Action Wizard is not listed in the Tools side menu, enter the name into the Search Tools bar.
Learning Experience Design Accessibility Documents