1. Click the My Media link from a course navigation
If you do not have access to a Canvas course or the My Media link is not activated in your course, My Media in Canvas can also be accessed by clicking the Account link in the Global Navigation and selecting the My Media link that is listed in the fly-out window. For more information, visit the How to access My Media in Canvas guide.
4. Review each section for accuracy
To edit caption text, click in the text editing box [1] and edit. To add another section of captions, click the "Plus" button [2]. To search and replace text, enter the search word in the search box [3] and enter the replacement word in the replace with box [4] and click the "Replace" button [5]. To add a speaker ID, select the rows of captions that the speaker is talking, enter their name in the add speaker box [6] and click the "Add" button [7]. To have the captions text auto scroll while the media plays, check the autoscroll box [8].
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